08 January 2010

So I guess I should open a restaurant.

So I've done some reading out of the textbook, Mobile Design and Development by Brian Fling. Mr. Fling as a way with words. His writing style if very readable but some of it isn't exactly, encouraging.
If I were an entrepreneur looking to create mobile services, knowing what I know about mobile, I would run away, fast. I would probably open a restaurant, which would likely  have a higher chance of success.

But I have pressed forward and continued reading. There is a lot to be said about the mobile industry and Fling does a good job taking your through the structure of it to better understand the challenges. As well as the different generations of phones and services.

Something that I did find interesting back in the fall I went to a forum on Social Networking. A lot was said about how social networking is the newest media medium and the talked about the history of other mediums (newspapers, radio, tv, etc).  Fling also addresses this topic, but he list the mobile as the newest medium. And  now I am personally seeing more and more social networking that is mobile based so I guess there is some truth to both of them.

I am having issues with one point that Fling keeps arguing. He keeps saying that future of Mobile is web development because it is the only, or closes thing to, universal mobile market. He makes the point that is the most cost affective way, verses having to develop for multi platforms. I'm still reading though, maybe he'll change my opinion but personally I like having device applications and would chose it before a web-version of the same thing.

Lets hope there is a little more encouragement to come from Mr. Fling

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